Hey guys! SlimKirby here once again!
The title of the blog doesn't lie, I am now on finals week from my heavy and busy semester. I am so very happy to be getting out of this place for Winter Break. You guys literally have no idea...unless you are also in college of course.
For the record, don't worry about my videos interfering with my exams. Mainly because....I HAVE EVERYTHING UP TO FRIDAY RECORDED AND READY FOR UPLOADING! =D No lie there! It took 3 days of finding free time to just sit down and record these videos, but it is all done. It is all ready!
I hope this doesn't ruin the enjoyment of the videos, but honestly, it was either this, or play with the possibility/risk of having MP5 encroach on Kirby Super Star, something I did not want to happen. Just be thankful (wait, Christmas is closer than Thanksgiving....) that I got it all done and it will all be uploaded in the timeframe I wanted. This means I can start fresh on Kirby Super star Saturday. Oh boy! I am getting excited just thinking about playing that game.
Anyways, before I start talking about my projects, I guess I'll rap a little about what has been going on with me in the real world! Well, to be honest....not much. I've just been working hard on my classes, hoping that I'll get some desirable grades, and then I'll be working hard to make sure I do just as well on my finals. I don't think my grades will be spectacular (I made the Dean's List last semester, but this semester I definitely fell short in that area), but as long as I get a GPA near 3.00, I'll be more than satisfied.
I guess I should also mention that we have a lot of events coming up for the Blargg Pit and Crystal Star Studio. I know we still haven't made any videos yet for CSS, but just wait! We plan to actually start doing some filming for our first game playthrough project after Christmas, so don't worry, that will start soon. We may (Key-Word: MAY) have some other small videos planned as well until then. It's really just a matter of waiting and seeing what happens. It's not like CSS hasn't been doing anything...trust me on this. We've had several meetings about this stuff. :P
But getting back to the Blargg Pit, yes, lot's of stuff happening this holiday season. ShadowMario41 has literally filled up his trivia schedule with various events in order to get interest from our fellow watchers. We also have some gaming night events as well. A link to the site will follow this paragraph. Stay tuned for front page posts given by the Blargg Pit team, and keep an eye on that calendar page for all the latest updates:
On the 19th we have MegaFreak400's Pokemon Give-Away Trivia. Our hub, #sm41triviahq, has caught the Pokemon fever as of late, mostly due to PTM's Pokemon Tournament (I'll talk about that later), and Mega has decided to start anew on his Pokemon file and give away some of his Pokemon from his first run-through. Now, Mega is quite the collector, so he has a lot of interesting and unique Pokemon in his collection. I would go over the complete list, but they are located on his front page Blargg Pit post where he talks about the trivia and Secret Santa '09, so just go to the link provided above.
On the 20th and the 23rd, PTM has some "Gaming Night" events planned. On the 20th we will be playing some Mario Kart Wii and on the 23rd we will be playing some Super Smash Bros. Brawl, so swing by the chatroom if you want more information and if you would like to be a part of these events. On the 21st and 22nd, there will be some other trivia events. The first will be ShadowMario41's Holiday Mario Trivia #3. The 2nd will be an unofficial trivia hosted by ThePastaKing. If you would like to test your Mario knowledge, don't be afraid to come by the chat on these dates. There will be prizes!
On the 26th, we have my birthday, so wish me well. On January 2nd through the 5th, SM41 will have his annual Mario Music Madness trivia. This trivia will be hosted over Youtube, so stay tuned for updates from him (remember, his channel name is "ShadowMarioXLI" not "ShadowMario41"). I'm sure he will also have a post on the Blargg Pit about it as well.
Finally, we have the Blargg Pit Cup, the Pokemon tournament hosted by PowerToMario. I would go into detail about this, but why do that when you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth?
The Blargg Pit Cup
That is PTM's video about the Blargg Pit Cup. Be sure to watch it....especially for that bowling pin in the lower right corner (just kidding).
See, we have A LOT of stuff going on this holiday season, and guess what this short 3-week break period will also bring....
That's right, I may actually do some streams during my break. Keep in mind, these will more than likely be limited to only these 3 weeks, so expect only 2 or 3 to happen, but it's better than nothing. I suppose I should also try to plan an all-day stream as well, but let's wait on that....
Let's Play Super Bomberman
Well, Bomberman has reached its ending, so let's say our goodbyes to all of the bombs, all of the power-ups, and all of the cheap deaths I encountered in this LP. The last video will be posted tomorrow, and after that, this project will be put into the "Completed" section.
In tomorrow's video I will discuss future possibilities of me doing other Bomberman games, but if this does happen, it won't be for awhile. Let me get through some other LPs first. :P
I gotta admit, for a short project, this was a fun one to work on, so I am definitely glad that I chose this game. I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
Mario Party 5
Just one more week of updates, and this project will also be completed. Not much to say about this project...I think the videos speak for themselves. :P
This may have not been my favorite project to work on, but it had some nice moments as well. It has some classic scenes of ultimate domination, and also some scenes where I completely lose it. I guess you could call that a successful project. :P
In the end though, I am glad I did this game, because this game does have a lot of potential as a Mario game, and a video game. It just needs to go a little easier on the luck-based mini-games....THATS ALL IM ASKING!
As I will say in my final video, don't expect Mario Party 6 until the 2nd quarter of 2010. I have a few other projects I would like to get under my belt first, and two of them happen to be pretty lengthy. I would predict April for the start of MP6. However, I'm sure I will keep you informed, so do not worry about any of that.
Well, that is about all I wanted to discuss for this blog entry. Sorry for the lateness of this update, but I had a lot of other stuff to do today, including one of my final exams, so surely that excuse will suffice. I'll see you next week readers when I will be on break and ready to talk about Kirby Super Star and other things.
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